Research Publications
Our Research Faculty conduct important, life-changing research from their labs in the Life Sciences Institute and beyond at UBC Vancouver.
Jean Lab
Jean Lab
Nanomolar anti-SARS-CoV-2 Omicron activity of the host-directed TMPRSS2 inhibitor...
Eltis Lab
Eltis Lab
The catabolism of lignin-derived p-methoxylated aromatic compounds by Rhodococcus...
Finlay Lab
Finlay Lab
Citrobacter rodentium possesses a functional type II secretion system necessary for..
Eltis Lab
Eltis Lab
Cholesterol-Mediated Coenzyme A Depletion in Catabolic Mutants of Mycobacteria...
Jefferies lab
Jefferies Lab
A diversity of novel type-2 innate lymphoid cell subpopulations revealed...
Murphy and Av-Gay labs
Murphy and Av-Gay Labs
Acidic pH modulates Burkholderia cenocepacia antimicrobial susceptibility...
Crowe and Hallam Labs
Crowe and Hallam Labs
Constraining the oxygen requirements for modern microbial eukaryote diversity
Finlay lab
Finlay Lab
Microbiota-mediated effects of Parkinson's disease medications on Parkinsonian, ...
Crowe lab
Crowe Lab
DNA sequencing, microbial indicators, and the discovery of buried kimberlites